High Tolerance Foors Screeding System

Accurate Screed Rail System


Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - Acra Screed is Quality.

Initially Acra Screed was invented for pouring mass areas with a Power Screed. However one of the systems biggest advantages has turned out to be Acra Screed’s Accuracy and it is now noted as the most Accurate Screed Rail System in the world.

Acra Screed is used for High Tolerance floors throughout the globe, adjustable to within just half a millimetre of the desired level. Acra Screed has undoubtedly increased the quality of concrete placement. Combine Acra Screed with an experienced flooring contractor and FM1 and FM2 floors can be produced without a problem.

J L Hennig & Associates Limited install and consult on Extremely High Tolerance floors such as Ice rinks and Curling Rinks. Unlike the Fm floors where tolerance is taken over a 3 meter grid the Ice Rink floor is specified from the Datum point for the entire floor with an overall tolerance of plus or minus 7mm. Since using the Acra Screed system JL Henning Associates tell us that every Ice rink they pour is well within the given tolerance.

The latest test results sent from J L Hennig & Associates Limited following a pour for an Ice Rink in the Preston area are as follows:

Out of 112 readings, 35 were 0, 29 were + 1 and 22 were + 2. There was one reading at + 5 and 4 reading at - 4mm from datum. So with our specification being + or - 7mm from datum, we were well on target.


Acra Screed ISO9001: 2015
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EP. Patent Reference Number 1,354,107
US. Patent Reference Number 7,086,203
GB. Patent Application Reference Number (Acradeck) 0815783.6
GB. Patent Application Reference Number (Acradeck - new channel design) 0822812.4
GB. Patent Application Reference Number (Acraplug) 0803184.1
GB. Trade Mark Registration Reference Number 2,463,374